Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My Cannabis Research

The Truth As I Have Learned It
by Susan A. Moles

Healing herbs are becoming a staple item in our home medicine cabinets, and everyday we are bombarded with commercials praising the healing properties of these herbs. Notice at the bottom of the screen, in small print, is a statement that the FDA has not evaluated these herbs, yet they are available for human consumption without having proven their effectiveness. One herb, which has proven its effectiveness and overall benefit to our world for thousands of years, is no longer available, but it is making a comeback. Currently, there are petitions circulating in several states to place the issue of medical marijuana on the ballot. In order for you to make an informed decision on this issue, I am here to share information I have uncovered over the last 25+ years regarding cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana.I will begin with the history of this herb because it is important to understand just how prominent it was in our society until 1937. We will then examine the plant itself, from the roots to the flowers and stems because every part is beneficial to society. By this time you will be asking yourself, if this herb is so great…how did it become illegal? I will then share with you a story of a few men whose actions led to this herb being outlawed. Finally, I will update you on current research, debunk some myths, and update you on state laws.

Archeologist have uncovered evidence that cannabis sativa was in all probability the first plant cultivated by man. Imagine, of all the plants growing on this planet, cannabis was chosen for mass production due to its versatility. This plant is the oldest fiber producer of historic record, and fiber is only part of what this plant has to offer. Does anyone know when the first law regarding this plant was passed in the America’s? 1619 Jamestown Colony Virginia…forcing farmers to grow cannabis. Cannabis was so important to our forefathers that it could be used as legal tender (money) from 1631 to the early 1800’s. Any money owed to the government could be paid with cannabis, an incentive our government offered to encourage more farmers to grow this valuable plant. During the American Revolution, cannabis was vital to our freedom, so much so that laws were passed forcing farmers to grow cannabis. Yes, if you lived in VA from 1763 to 1767 and were caught not growing this crop, you could be jailed. Similar laws had previously been enacted in Mass 1631, Conn. 1632, and Chesapeake colonies into the 1700’s. Why were the colonies so interested in cannabis sativa? Because cannabis clothed them, feed them, provided their medicine, provided them shelter, and gave them fuel for their lamps. This single plant was able to give them the necessary means for survival. Cannabis sativa is the true hemp, often referred to as Indian hemp, and depending on the seed source and cultivation techniques can produce hemp properties OR the "marijuana" principle. More about that coming up. The founders of our nation were God-fearing people looking for the freedom to worship as they wished. They built a nation unlike any other, and today we are blessed to live in a country, which although still young compared to others, is without a doubt the strongest in the world. With all the negative press marijuana receives today, it’s hard to imagine these men grew cannabis not only for its hemp properties, but also for its marijuana principle. Yes, the authors of the constitution and declaration of independence smoked pot. Dr. Burke, a consultant to the Smithsonian, has uncovered evidence that at least seven of our Presidents grew cannabis for both hemp and marijuana. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor, and Franklin Pierce. Benjamin Franklin, although not a president, also smoked. He was able to give us our first free press by using the fiber of this plant for paper, thereby eliminating our need to beg for paper from England. Thomas Jefferson actually smuggled seeds . In 1784 he went to Europe to assist Franklin and Adams with treaties. In 1785 he became minister to France and assisted with the French constitution in 1789. During his stay in Europe he smuggled seeds from China thru Turkey and into France. It was illegal to smuggle seeds out of China, but they were really good seeds. Shakespeare’s pipes were recently discovered and found to contain cannabis. Carl Sagan, the greatest astronomer of our time smoked daily according to his journals. Cannabis is relaxing to the mind and allows for creative thinking, believe it or not. The St. Louis University Medical School in 1989 confirmed that the human brain has receptor sites for THC and its natural cannabis cousins to which no other compounds known thus far will bind. When God created us and gave us every herb bearing seed, (Genesis 1:29), he set up our bodies to utilize cannabis. Remember, in Genesis 1:11, day three of the creation“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."I would argue cannabis is a God given right. It is the only plant that fulfills His promise to meet our needs. It can clothe us, feed us, shelter us, give us medicine, and give us fuel.To give you a rough idea as to how prominent this herb was in our society, the US Census of 1850 counted 8327 plantations with a minimum of 200 acres and literally tens of thousands of smaller farms. According the 1927 world book encyclopedia, 75K tons were harvested in Kentucky in 1859. A skilled laborer could break 250 lbs/day. The average crop size was 50 acres and it would take 10 men, 2 months, at a cost of $500. The hemp sold for $65 ton. The industrial revolution was just beginning and it would not be until 1937 that equipment capable of harvesting a 10-foot plant would become available so cannabis could compete economically with other commodities. Feb. 1938 Popular Mechanics magazine called cannabis the billion-dollar crop. Imagine a commodity worth a billion dollars in 1938 what its potential would be today with current technology.What was it about this plant that made it so valuable? Everything.

Lets start at the roots. When the natural vegetation in an area is destroyed by construction, it is imperative that something be planted to hold the remaining soil in place. Currently barley and rye grasses are used and they put down a 1-2" root in 30 days. Previously, cannabis was used because it puts down a 10-12" root in the same 30 days. Ditch weed is still growing wild in the heartland of America, leftover from our freeway construction years ago. On the medical side, according to Readers Digest "the Magic and Mystery of Plants", 1986, the roots can be boiled for an infusion to relieve gout.Moving on to the stalk. When a cannabis plant is grown for its hemp properties, it will render a fiber that can be used for items from burlap to the finest of linens. Once the fiber has been removed, the remaining wood hurds, which contain 75% alpha cellulose, can be used for paper, rayon, silk, and a wide range of textiles. Look at Levis. Can you imagine a cowboy 100 years ago wearing a pair of today’s Levis for a year out on the trail? Of course not. But the original Levis were made from hemp. How could the stalk from this herb impact us today? It could save the half million trees we use each week for our Sunday newspapers. By law, government papers were printed on hempen rag until the 1920’s. It could save the one billion trees we use each year for disposable diapers. Since cannabis is resistant to bugs and is a natural weed eradicator, it could prove to be a more economical crop for farmers, allowing them a wide range of markets at affordable production cost. To best achieve maximum stalk production of cannabis sativa, plant seed from previous stalk producing plants in deep furrowed rows. One acre planted in this fashion will yield as much biomass as 4.1 acres of pine over a twenty-year rotation. What is biomass? The best way I have found to explain biomass is by telling you about Ford Motor Company’s biomass conversion plant, Iron Mountain Facility in Michigan in the 1930’s. At the facility, Ford research scientist extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch, ethyl acetate, and creosote. All of these are fundamental ingredients in modern industry and are currently produced from petroleum products. Yes, wide range access to cannabis sativa is a threat to the oil industry, or at least they think so. An example of how environmentally friendly this herb can be is demonstrated in the charcoal fuel. When the charcoal is burned it release CO2, which plants use to live. The CO2, which is released, is in direct proportion to the CO2 absorbed by the plants planted to replace the ones that made the charcoal. A Perfect ecological balance, God knew what He was doing. Americans and Canadians are dying from acid rain; it doesn’t have to be that way. In the pulp and paper industry, cannabis requires a hydrogen peroxide process instead of the sulfuric process used today. With cannabis the byproduct is water…not acid rain.Lets look at the seed. Cannabis seeds are 30-35% oil by volume. In fact, this oil is the most unsaturated oil available, and we all know how important unsaturated oils are. They have been proven beneficial in fighting most degenerative diseases including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, MS, skin afflictions. There are numerous food products available, for now. DEA is trying to halt these items as well. The essential fatty acids contained in this oil are in a ratio, which most closely resembles our own body’s ratio. The soybean has a bit more protein than the hemp seed, but the hemp seed has more of these essential fatty acids. With today’s technology, there is no telling what we could find out about these seeds. As a fuel, until 1800, cannabis seed oil was the most consumed lamp oil in America and from 1800-1870 was second only to whale oil. In 1935, 58K tons of seeds were used in the paint and varnish industry. Compare that to the 651.1 tons of total plant matter which was confiscated by the DEA in 1988. Cannabis sativa was very prominent in our society. To grow cannabis for maximum seed production, widely broadcast the seeds and allow to grow wild.Now for the leaves and flowers, the medicine, the "marijuana". To grow true marijuana you must start with seeds from plants with a high THC content. Tetra Hydro Cannabinol. Plants grown for max. stalk or max. seed will have negligible THC and cannot be used for medicine. For year’s, government commissions have studied this herb with virtually the same results, there is no cause for concern. The Indian hemp drugs commission by the British government of India in 1894, Commission of marijuana problems by Mayor LaGuardia in 1944, National Commission on marijuana and drug abuse by Nixon in 1973 (the Schaffer commission), the Le Dain Commission in Canada in 1974. All found cannabis remarkably safe. In the early 1930’s, our government tested our troops in the Panama Canal Zone and found it worked great. The guys could relax after work and not have hangovers the next day. Plus there weren’t as many fights; you know how alcohol can make people crazy. 5000 years of medical and non-medical use and not one overdose death, you can't even say that about aspirin. The alleged risk of psychotic reactions, addictions and dependency, and the so-called amotivational syndrome were found either nonexistent or greatly exaggerated. In 1988 DEA considered petition to offer cannabis as a prescription drug. The administrative law judge, Francis L. Young, overseeing the case, stated at the end of two years "marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man". Yet the DEA rejected these findings and continue to persecute marijuana users. The only concern seemed to be taking of smoke into the lungs, but they did find it helped people smoke less tobacco and by working as an expectorant, it helped to clear smoker’s lungs. What are the various uses of this medicine? Appetite stimulant, nausea relief, muscle relaxant, sedative, painkiller, treatment for addictions such as heroin, opium and alcohol, and for epilepsy and glaucoma. Remember I mentioned earlier that our brains were designed with receptors that only accept THC. THC works as an antioxidant on brain cells. The US National Institute on Health has conducted recent studies showing effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of stokes and the prevention of heart attacks. Also results on degenerative nerve diseases. When given THC during a stroke, the rate of paralysis was greatly reduced. When exposed to nerve gas, 70% of the rats showed no ill effects, no vomiting and no seizures. 70%!! It has been estimated that approximately 80% of current pharmaceuticals could be replaced with cannabis. I think that is quite high, but even if it’s only 10%, the pharmaceutical companies aren’t going to give up. Look at how hard they fight to keep generics out of the market; they sure don’t want us to have something we can grow for free in the backyard. The pharmaceutical industry is the strongest lobbyist in Washington, two lobbyists for every member of congress, and since they can’t match cannabis synthetically, they won’t allow testing to be done and make large donation to politicians to keep prohibition going. 73% of Americans polled recently were in favor of legalizing marijuana, 90% of politicians were not, according to CNN. According to AP & UPI 2/29/00 Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense University in Madrid, Spain, released evidence that THC destroys tumors in rats thus verifying results from 1974 Virginia, which DEA suppressed. Seems when God created us and gave us every herb bearing seed, (Gen. 1:29); he set up our bodies to utilize cannabis.Once again we ask ourselves, how could something this useful be illegal?

Allow me to explain a series of events, which occurred in the 30’s, forcing this plant into prohibition and why it will be difficult to get it back. I am going to introduce you to some men starting with William Randolph Hearst, the newspaper journalist and U.S. Senator from 1886-1893. When William was 24 his father gave him a choice of his holdings and William choose the San Francisco Examiner, which the family had acquired years earlier for political reasons. Remember that there was no mass media as we have today. People had their newspapers and they believed everything they read. They had nothing to compare it to so they saw no reason not to believe. In the 1947 Encyclopedia Britannica under newspapers/yellow journalism, you will find quite an interesting story about Mr. Hearst. Seems he used his newspapers for his own self-interest. Mr. Hearst had some land in Mexico, which the Mexican government seized. Keep in mind, Mr. Hearst was a bigot and if you weren’t white he hated you and he was already on record as speaking derogatory of Mexicans. He began a yellow journalism campaign against the country of Mexico running headlines such as "Marijuana- That Killer Drug From Mexico", "Those lazy marijuana smoking Mexicans." Much of our perception, even to this day, of the Mexican people is a direct result of this negative campaign. Remember that people believed what they read in the newspaper. Mr. Hearst gave us the word marijuana so individuals would not know he was talking about the cannabis they had growing out back to feed, clothe, and comfort their families. Everyone knew about hemp, but he scared them with talk of this killer drug from Mexico. Mr. Hearst took strong stand on several controversial issues including trying to start a war with Spain in the 1890’s, opposing Japanese immigration, and was very anti-British. In his defense, he did get us anti-trust legislation and the 8-hour workday. By 1925, Mr. Hearst owned 25 newspapers in 17 cities. His paper needs were enormous.Meanwhile, across the country in Washington, Andrew William Mellon was appointed Sec. of Treas. under President Harding. He remained in this position through Coolidge in ’23, and then Hoover in ’29. When the stock market crashed in ’29, who do you think people were looking at? The Sec. of Treas. perhaps? In 1932 he was appointed ambassador to England, seems he needed to get out of the country. Mr. Melon was the owner of the 6th largest bank in America and had made several investments. He believed the best way to succeed in business, destroy the competition. Since one of his investments was involved in processes, which utilized wood fiber instead of hemp, the chances of success would be much greater if hemp went away. He was Dupont’s main investor. Although hemp was extremely prominent in our society, grown like any other commodity, it was just so danged tall that harvesting economically took awhile in coming. Because our needs for pulp and fiber increased, people looked for other alternatives besides hemp. World Fibre Corp. introduced the first machine capable of economically harvesting this plant just months before it became illegal Oct. 1937. Before losing his job as Sec. of Treas. in ’32, Mr. Mellon set a plan in motion to wipe out cannabis. In 1931 he formed a new bureau, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. We know it today as DEA. He appointed his nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger to head the bureau. Anslinger remained in this position until 1962 when Kennedy fired him. Rumor has it; Kennedy used marijuana for his back pain from his war injuries and planned to end prohibition during his second term. Anslinger shared the same racist attitude and greedy personality as Mellon and set about quickly to eradicate cannabis as his uncle-in-law wished. With the help of Hearst, who’d been promised incredible savings on his paper needs, the campaign began to convince the American public that marijuana must go away.On Tuesday May 4th, 1937, Dr. William C. Woodward of the AMA testified before the House Ways and Means committee of the 75th Congress regarding HR6385 and stated, "We cannot understand yet, Mr. Chairman, why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any intimation, even to the profession, that it was being prepared" and that this act should not be passed as written. Woodward also pointed out "marijuana" was not a real word and the proper term was Cannabis. Other witnesses on that day cited newspaper articles as their justification that cannabis was becoming a nuisance to society. Remember Mr. Hearst? He was doing his part. On June 14, 1937 before the full house the question was raised, has the AMA been consulted on this issue? Rep. Fred Vinson, D-KY stated that a Dr. William Wharton had given his full support and approval from the AMA, which he represented as legal counsel. Rep. Vinson kinda lied, Dr. Woodward testified, there was no Dr. Wharton, and the AMA was not on board. The vote was taken and passed and the senate approved it the next day.Many, including the Chicago Tribune, challenged Anslinger’s prohibition almost immediately. They ended up burning 15 acres that had been growing since 1934 after exhausting all attempts with Anslinger. The LaGuardia report of 1944 stated that marijuana cut down on other drug use and cut violence. The report refuted everything Anslinger had been saying. Anslinger denounced the report and LaGuardia. He denounced the NY Academy of Medicine, he denounced the doctors who researched the report and halted any further research or experiments without his personal permission or go to jail. He used his position to blackmail the AMA and get them to denounce the NY Academy of Medicine. Previous studies had also shown positive results, but they were kept under wraps. With so much positive information available, why was Anslinger so adamant about eradicating this plant? The best way to succeed in business, destroy the competition. Almost everything Dupont makes synthetically can be made organically from hemp. I’ve heard it said that the government should legalize it and tax it. Basically that’s what they did. Producers paid $1 year and registered, textile mills paid $24 year. Each load was taxed $1/oz if both parties were registered and $100/oz if not. Hemp was selling for $15/ton. Cannabis was taxed out of existence. After the Marijuana Tax Act was enacted October 1, 1937, our country still needed hemp so we bought from the orient. In 1942 we found ourselves at war with the orient so our government went to the farmers in Kentucky and asked for their help. They showed them a film, Hemp for Victory, which taught them how to grow hemp. WWII was the biggest draft in our nation's history, practically every man went to war, unless you were a farmer in Kentucky growing hemp for the war effort. Not only did you not have to go to war, but also neither did your sons. Even FFA students were growing 2 acres each for the war effort. The Navy realized that by eliminating marijuana we had also eliminated a crucial strategic industry. Dupont’s nylon stretched and was not fit for mooring ropes. The government supplied 43 machines to harvest the crops. We grew hemp, won the war, the project was disbanded. USDA denied knowledge of the film “Hemp for Victory” until a pristine copy was found in 1990. Full documentation can be found at the University of Minnesota library.

We’ve been scammed in regards to this herb. There is nothing wrong with cannabis, contrary to what we’ve been taught. The reason cannabis is illegal today had little to do with the marijuana principle of this herb and a lot to do with its hemp properties. Yet according to a January ’99 report from the Department of Justice, in 1997 there were 28,650 state and 10,538 federal prisoners for marijuana. 14% of the total population at a cost of $900 million/yr. FBI reports 87% are simple possession and 13% sale/manufacturing. A cannabis smoker is arrested every 45 seconds. Is this really how we want our tax dollars spent? In 1999, Arizona saved $6.7 million by diverting 1st and 2nd time non-violent drug offenders to treatment instead of jail. Today they have expanded their programs. Years ago, Partnership for a Drug Free America ran an ad showing brainwaves saying the are normal brainwaves of a 15 year old, and this is the brainwaves of a 15 year old after smoking pot. A professor at UCLA called them on this and they were forced to pull the ad but they never had to tell the truth. The brain waves they showed were of a comatose person, not a 15 year old on pot. That image was engrained in the psyche of the American public and the public has never been told the truth.You’ve heard it said that marijuana leads to harder drugs, and the way it is now that is sometimes true, but let me tell you why. Drug dealers are out to make a profit. The profit margin on marijuana is small so if he can get you hooked on his other products he stands to make more money. He will even give you a free sample. $25 worth of marijuana will last a couple of days if not longer. $25 worth of crank, heroin, cocaine will last a few hours leaving you wanting more. Marijuana is not addictive, it’s just pleasant, and these other drugs are physically addictive and deadly. Once he has you hooked, then he can make some bucks. We must end prohibition and take him out of the equation. All across this nation more and more people are standing up and speaking the truth.North Dakota was the first state to legalize commercial hemp. House bill 1428 was signed on April 17, 1999. It is very similar to what Canada is doing. North Dakota watched Canada for a year and decided they wanted to be a part of something big, but there are strict rules for growers. They must have no prior criminal history, use certified seeds, be subject to random inspections to assure the THC content is less than 3/10ths of 1%, and pay a minimum of $150 for a license. Farmers are still being denied permission today even after paying fees and conforming to legal standards. North Dakota still can’t grow hemp. Canada is growing commercial hemp and medical users have permission to use and grow cannabis. Several states have voted to allow medical use, CA, AZ in ’96, AK, WA, OR, Maine in ’98, CO, NV in 2000, HI 2001, and NM earlier this year. But the law has not changed at the federal level and patients are still being arrested. I hold in my hand copies of medical research proving cannabis is effective for the following conditions: epileptic seizures, cancer-lung, breast, and leukemia, nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, the wasting syndrome of AIDS, the pain of MS, prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's. The New England journal of Medicine reported August 7, 1997, "Marijuana should be available to all patients who need it to help them undergo treatment for life threatening illnesses. As long as therapy is safe and has not been proven ineffective, seriously ill patients (and their physicians) should have access to whatever they need to fight for their lives." John’s Hopkins University conducted a long-term study using mini mental exams and found no adverse effects after 15 years.There is nothing wrong with marijuana. The pharmaceutical companies are afraid of losing business, as are the cotton, soybean, timber, and oil companies. I believe their fears are unfounded, but nonetheless they are real fears. Our family and friends are suffering and dying so some of these businesses can continue record profits. Their lobbyists in Washington are strong, but we as a people are stronger if we pull together.I hope this presentation has peaked your curiosity and you will continue to ask questions about the truth behind this remarkable herb. On October 9th, 2002 The Coalition filed a “Petition to Reschedule Cannabis” with the DEA in accordance with the guidelines laid out in the Federal Register. This would move cannabis from Schedule One to Schedule Two of the “Controlled Substances Act” thus allowing open medical research into this herb. Our government keeps telling us there is no medical value but refuses to allow open research. Ask yourself why.Please contact your representatives in congress and let them know YOU know the truth about marijuana. Ask them for their support on this critical issue.